Your Brand Starts With Thanks

Thank You NoteI was meeting with Jeff Young (LinkedIn Guru) in Columbus, Ohio yesterday, when he uttered a statement I thought to be quite profound.  He said, “Your brand starts with thanks”.  I couldn’t agree more, Jeff.  Thank you for sharing your personal story and LinkedIn knowledge with me, and for inspiring this post.

As business owners and business leaders, we often get so caught up in the daily mill that we sometimes miss opportunities to say ‘thank you’.  I know I have missed some myself.  Let’s face it-a strong brand isn’t built by one person or even an entire company.  It takes family, friends, customers and supporters to build a strong brand.

That goes hand in hand with my argument that you can’t simply set out to produce a viral video.  You don’t determine whether the video goes viral…your public does.  And regardless of how carefully you craft all the elements in the video to increase its chances of going viral, you do not control its ultimate fate.  The same goes for your brand.

And that’s why this is a great reminder say ‘thank you’ to your family, friends, customers, fans and supporters on a regular basis.

And so I’d like to express my gratitude to all of you who have supported me throughout the launch of BrandFace©.  To those who trust in me, refer me to people you know and follow me on social media.  To those who thoughtfully comment on my posts and even those who disagree.  And to those who inspire me and provide mentorship.  You are all incredibly important to me. And for that I humbly say ‘Thank You’.

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