
compassYears ago, I made a statement to my father that resonated so much, he still reminds me of it each time I see him.  We were discussing family members and friends who consistently made poor life choices.  Let’s face it…we’ve all made poor choices from time to time.  But it’s that word ‘consistently’ that can does the most damage and causes us to doubt ourselves and eventually risk losing hope. Continue reading

The Crossroads of Confidence & Competition

crossroadsI’ve been thinking a lot about CONFIDENCE…and COMPETITION.  Recently, real estate agents tell me there are two things that bother them most:  noncommittal clients–and watching a competitor reach successful heights (all while knowing they’re the better agent).  You may think it’s egotistical or arrogant to think you’re better.  But what if you KNOW you are?  What if you’ve put in the work, educated yourself in your craft and treated your clients the way you’d want to be treated?  And most important of all…you helped your clients to create the RESULTS they were seeking? Continue reading

Which BrandFace© Are You?

AboutFace image-kid detective GameFace image-kid in cape SaveFace image-kid as cowboyYou don’t have to own your own business to become the face of a brand.  A BrandFace can be a CEO, president, sales manager, salesperson, child of an owner, home-based business expert or anyone in a situation where they are likely to represent the brand for an extended period of time.

Regardless of which position you hold, I’ve found that most BrandFace prospects fall into three different categories:  GameFaceSaveFace and AboutFace.  Knowing where you stand right now will help to prepare you for where you want to be!  So…which one are you?  Contact me and let me know, and you could receive a free BrandFace© book! Continue reading

Is a BrandFace© approach right for you?

ChecklistIf you’re a business owner or business leader who has considered becoming the face of your own business, there are several things you should consider first. The whole idea behind a personal branding approach is to position yourself as an asset to your customers in a unique way, and share your knowledge and expertise about a particular subject. The goal is to become a sought-after expert in your industry and market, and to be the person/business that your customers turn to because they think of you first (for all the right reasons!). Consider this checklist…and if you can answer ‘yes’ to all, you’re an excellent candidate!   Continue reading

First BrandFace™ Star of the Week!

Two weeks ago I had the pleasure of meeting someone with great marketing instincts from an industry which seldom produces great marketing (sorry, lawyers). I met with a lawyer in Atlanta, Georgia whose firm handles personal injury cases.

I frequently travel to Atlanta, and for months I have admired a billboard along I-85 North. It features a bald man with the message, “Injured? Don’t pull your hair out!”. At first, I chuckled out loud. Then I began to think about the genius behind the message. Considering the unapproachable stereotype of most lawyers, this campaign not only provided humor, it completely reversed that stereotypical image. I knew I had to meet this bald lawyer. Continue reading

No Time For Content?

Time For New ContentMy specialty is working with business owners who are the face of their brand. The most important thing they can do to establish their expertise is to share it with others. In the beginning of almost every BrandFace client relationship, I’ve heard the same thing: “I don’t have time to do the blog posts, videos and social media stuff”. And furthermore, “If I had time for that kind of stuff, I wouldn’t be hiring you”. Continue reading

Excellent BrandFace Content Marketing!

Michael Carr is one of my BrandFace clients.  He’s America’s Top Selling Real Estate Auctioneer and he also owns a real estate brokerage and home improvement company in the North Georgia area.  He expressed to me several times that many prospective home buyers are not aware of the benefits of having a Buyer’s Agent by their side to protect them throughout the process of buying a home.  And in fact, they are sometimes led to believe that it even costs less if they don’t have one.  Here’s a video featuring his explanation of why a Buyer’s Agency Agreement is so important.

My Childhood BrandFace Beginning

barnAs I begin this BrandFace journey, I’d like to share a personal childhood story which will give you some insight into my desire to succeed and to help others achieve professional and personal success as well.

My fascination with stardom began with my dream to fly. At the age of eleven, I orchestrated my own flight attempt from a barn loft. I could visualize myself soaring at least thirty feet across the yard, my accomplishments broadcast on the evening news with Dan Rather as though I was one of the Wright Brothers (but smarter because I could fly without machinery).  I would do the talk show circuits and then eventually teach others how to fly using the same methods. Continue reading

BrandFace Video Debut

Welcome to the BrandFace website, home of the new BrandFace marketing concept!  I’ve spent years learning and developing strategies for helping business owners and leaders become the face of their business–and a star in their industry.  And I’m sharing all this information in my new BrandFace book!  Watch as this video explains the history behind BrandFace, who should read it, and what readers will learn.
