Lack of Confidence? You’re Not Alone

Lack of Confidence-Twitter post pic.fwOver the last twelve months, we’ve personally interviewed over 80 Realtors throughout the U.S. and Canada.  Each conversation has lasted at least 45 minutes.  We’ve discussed their challenges, frustrations, dreams and goals.  It’s been an enlightening and educational process for us, and we couldn’t help but notice one trait that many of them had in common.  Over 67% of the Realtors we interviewed cited ‘lack of confidence’ as a significant challenge to business growth.   They used descriptors such as inferiorless knowledgeableless accomplished and unprepared to describe themselves.  While that many stun some of you readers, it was no surprise to us.  It’s part of human nature and perhaps the main indicator of your personal star power.

So, what do you do if you’re one of the sixty-seven percent?   Is it possible to attain the confidence necessary to make you feel genuinely unstoppable?  To consistently out-shine your competitors?  To finally get your act together and head down a clear path to success?  Well, we aren’t therapists, but we’d like to take a shot at some solid advice which can lead you in the right direction.  Here are some tips to help you kill the four offenders to self-confidence.

Inferior:  The word inferior is commonly defined as ‘lower in rank, status or quality’.  It’s generally a feeling we assign to ourselves when we feel that someone else has authority in a given situation.  Our former First Lady, Eleanor Roosevelt, has my favorite quote on this subject, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”  The cure for this is to clearly define who you are professionally.  Carve out a niche for yourself.  This takes you from feeling ‘inferior’ to being recognized for how you’re ‘different’.  Those two things are worlds apart.  If you lay claim to one specific attribute, accomplishment or business segment, you’ve taken the most important step to gaining tremendous confidence.  There’s something very powerful about that ‘suit of armor’ called differentiation.

Less Knowledgeable:  This is perhaps the easiest offender to eradicate.  Education is at our fingertips literally everywhere.  If we know we’re deficient in an area of expertise, we should do something about it.  Depending upon the type of knowledge desired, you can reach out to a mentor, enroll in a class, watch YouTube videos, attend webinars, etc.  The only thing standing between you and someone else’s level of knowledge is simply the time and effort you’re willing to put forth to equal the playing field.

Less Accomplished:  This is perhaps the most common of the offenders among the agents we interviewed.  When prospects ask them questions like, “How many homes have you sold? Have you sold many in this neighborhood? Do you have experience selling homes this expensive?” they often draw a blank.  There are two ways to handle this situation.  First, lean on the stats of your brokerage.  Their track record and expertise is at your disposal.  Say, “We’ve sold 42 properties in this area this year alone” or “We’ve been specializing in luxury homes the last 37 years.”  Second, get honest and make it personal.  “I’m new to this career/area/etc., but I’m confident that no other Realtor will work harder to get you what you want without letting anything fall through the cracks. I’ll return your calls, texts and emails promptly and communicate clearly about every step of the process. I have just completed the most up-to-date and rigorous training available in real estate today.  What sets me apart is my ability/willingness to ______.  I’m the one you want.”  Take no prisoners.  Define your own accomplishments.

Unprepared:  This differs slightly from the less knowledgeable offender.  Based on feedback from the agents, this usually means their marketing platforms and materials are either lacking or do not adequately represent the image they wish to portray.  Therefore, they feel unprepared to ‘put themselves out there’.  [Word of caution:  It’s very difficult to properly prepare marketing materials without first defining your brand and position.  Tackle that step first.]  When you have a library of clearly defined brand messaging and images to choose from, you can then begin to establish and display your unique brand consistently across all of your marketing platforms.  When this happens, you will no doubt see the effect of a strong brand.  You’ll begin to attract your ideal customer, get questions about your area of expertise and become recognized for what makes you different.  This kind of preparation works on your behalf even while you sleep.

The Realtors we have interviewed began that process by taking the time to watch our 48 minute webinar for agents…and then made an additional commitment to book a follow-up phone call to discuss a strategy for their own personal brand.   They chose to invest that time in themselves.  We’ve found that they are some of the most dedicated professionals in their industry, who are seeking ways to become better, stand out…and deliver unparalleled service to their customers.  Our point being, yes, even Realtors of that caliber suffer from lack of confidence.   We hope these tips will help you realize that you—and only you—can define your authority, expertise and power.  You don’t need anyone else’s permission to be a star.

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