The Crossroads of Confidence & Competition

crossroadsI’ve been thinking a lot about CONFIDENCE…and COMPETITION.  Recently, real estate agents tell me there are two things that bother them most:  noncommittal clients–and watching a competitor reach successful heights (all while knowing they’re the better agent).  You may think it’s egotistical or arrogant to think you’re better.  But what if you KNOW you are?  What if you’ve put in the work, educated yourself in your craft and treated your clients the way you’d want to be treated?  And most important of all…you helped your clients to create the RESULTS they were seeking?

My favorite definition of ego is, “the enduring and conscious element that knows experience“.  Our ego, our confidence, is built upon a foundation of experience.  And that experience is preceded by hard work, period.  Even the seemingly ‘instant fame’ stories we often hear are usually a result of years and years of dedication to honing a particular craft.

A lack of confidence clearly impacts how others see you.  That’s why so many agents are consistently faced with noncommittal clients.  You know–the ones who drag you to 10 or 15 homes, then mysteriously choose another agent when it comes time to close the deal.  Frankly, it starts with clearly DEFINING who YOU are.

If you KNOW you’re better, it’s time to master the confidence and SHOW that you’re the best.  If you’re a real estate agent battling with noncommittal clients or the frustration of watching someone else get the clients that should belong to you…if you’re stuck at the crossroad between confidence and competition, , please join me for my FREE WEBINAR tonight at 7:00.  LEARN MORE

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