First BrandFace™ Star of the Week!

Two weeks ago I had the pleasure of meeting someone with great marketing instincts from an industry which seldom produces great marketing (sorry, lawyers). I met with a lawyer in Atlanta, Georgia whose firm handles personal injury cases.

I frequently travel to Atlanta, and for months I have admired a billboard along I-85 North. It features a bald man with the message, “Injured? Don’t pull your hair out!”. At first, I chuckled out loud. Then I began to think about the genius behind the message. Considering the unapproachable stereotype of most lawyers, this campaign not only provided humor, it completely reversed that stereotypical image. I knew I had to meet this bald lawyer.

I reached out to Chandler Mason (Mason & Associates) a few short weeks ago to obtain his permission to use the billboard example in my book. In short order, he returned my call and very graciously expressed his gratitude for my compliments and gave me permission to print it. Not being one who misses opportunities, I asked him if we could meet on my next trip to Atlanta so I could learn more about his company and share some ideas to expand his ‘bald lawyer’ concept. He went out of his way to make that happen.

Chandler Mason billboard-small

During our one hour meeting (exactly one hour–time is money, right?), he shared his background and listened attentively to mine as we enjoyed the best beef brisket enchilada I’ve ever eaten (thank you, Taqueria del Sol!). The point of this story is–his approach is not only brilliant, it’s authentic. He’s every bit as approachable as his campaign promotes…and even more kind. As a result of his generosity, I have since shared this experience with at least eight people and I’m not even a prospect!

Excellent BrandFace™ marketing is about being different and doing the unexpected, all while maintaining sincerity. Chandler Mason has demonstrated all these characteristics. And for this, he’s our very first BrandFace™ Star of the Week!

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